1. oedema
2. muka swelling,
3. kaki&tangan bengkak
4. kencing waktu malam yang kerap
5. pertambahan berat badan mendadak
so, amat merisaukan aku, jadi ambik keputusan utk buat medical checkup di Hospital Pantai, Pandan Indah, result amat menakutkan sbb aku berdepan dengan nephrotic syndrome, yang mana syndrome ni berkenanaan dengan kidney, but still in early stage.
just sikit info pasal nephrotic syndrome ini, bg sesiapa yang ada symton ni better ke hospital,
apa tu nephrotic syndrome?
Nephrotic Syndrome presents itself with certain typical signs and symptoms irrespective of the cause of the disease. However, it must be noted that not all cases present with similar complaints. Also the severity of complaints may vary from case to case. Some cases may present with milder variations whereas others may present in the severe form. Many a times the disease may be very subtle in its initial presentation and hence the diagnosis may be missed. At times the disease may be asymptomatic, especially during the earlier phase of the disease. A few common symptoms have been discussed below:
- Oedema: Usually the earliest sign and may not be noticeable in the initial stages. Later as the oedema increases, patient and family members may notice puffiness of face, swelling around eyes, on the feet and hands.
- Decreased quantity of urine
- Blood in the urine (may not be noticed in every case)
- Decreased appetite, nausea
- Increased susceptibility to infections, especially in children
- Easy fatigue
- Raised blood pressure
perghhh dah tukaq jurusan ke? bila jadi doktor... :P
semoga cepat sembuh.. nanti bleh join bowling dgn dak MB...
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